

The projects listed below show what we deal with and work on and in which areas we build up theoretical and practical know-how.
Many projects are in their final stages and are gradually being published. We also develop customized applications from these projects or fragments. All these projects are not a part of the framework, but are based on it.
Finance is a universally applicable accountancy program. Beside the capture of the data, it offers functions for the graphic analysis of the data. With the built-in report and formula editor you can generate any kind of report. As the data is stored in a file and not in a database, the program is also suited for calculating various scenarios. Finance can deal with any number of currencies and securities. Transactions between two currencies can be evaluated at a given time or at the balance date.
TaskOrg is a CRM/ERP for service providers. After projects are defined, employees can start assigning their expenditure to these projects. From the entered expenditures you can generate invoices at any time. By request, employees receive notifications about which projects are currently the most urgent. Documents can be shared with others via the documents database. Know-how or other text fragments can be put in a text-based database.